Durham Sixth Form Centre

Celebrating a Century of Success...


"Good with the potential to be outstanding"...

It’s official, Durham Sixth Form Centre is good with the potential to be outstanding!

On 10th and 11th May 2012 the school were visited by Ofsted who conducted a rigorous inspection over two days. During the process they observed lessons, scrutinised our results, spoke to students and rightfully recognised that we are a ‘good’ school with the potential to be outstanding.

The report goes into detail about the achievement of our students, the quality of our teaching, behaviour and safety and finally about leadership and management.  In all categories we were judged to be securely “good”.

Comments include:

  • Student achievement is good with results above the national average
  • Most teaching is good or outstanding displaying challenge and embedding independent study
  • Behaviour in lessons and around the school is good
  • Students feel safe and show positive attitudes to their learning
  • Relationships throughout the school and with parents/carers are strong and show mutual respect
  • Leadership and management are strong and there is the potential to improve further

I am sure you will agree this is a very positive message.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank those parents and guardians who contributed to the inspection process but more than that, to thank you all for entrusting us with the care of your children. I am sure you will feel justifiably proud of the young people who attend our school and who through their actions and achievements have made such a good report possible.

At a time when schools are under intense scrutiny I am so pleased that Ofsted have recognised how well we are performing and I am excited about the next stage of our journey to become outstanding.

The full report can be read here.

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