Durham Sixth Form Centre

Celebrating a Century of Success...

Attendance Information...

If you, or your son/daughter is absent, you must contact us immediately with the reason for this absence. You can get in touch by telephone on or by .

On the return to college students must complete an illness form, stating the reason for absence and return to the Attendance Officer.

If this absence is more than 5 days in length the illness form must also be accompanied by a parental note.

We do not want students to fall behind with their studies therefore we expect students to speak to their teachers on return to Sixth Form and make every effort to catch up on any missed work.

As I am sure you will appreciate good attendance at the Sixth Form Centre is vitally important.  Our courses are demanding and absence will inevitably lead to students missing vital work and perhaps falling behind with their studies. If attendance becomes a cause for concern we will contact parents/guardians.

In the most serious of cases poor attendance could lead to students being asked to leave the Sixth Form Centre.

However, if there are genuine issues that are stopping you/your son/daughter from attending, help is at hand. Get in touch for advice and support.

Please note...

Should you/your son/daughter require time off college for a holiday, funeral, university open day and the like, an appropriate Holiday or Leave of Absence form must be completed and permission sought from their Pastoral Leader of Learning.

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Half Term...

Students return 4th November. Have a fun and safe week off!

Our Centenary

Click here for events celebrating our 100 years of education.